AWP Recovery Shoes for Golfers – ‘They are literally like cushions on my feet, so comfy’

AWP Recovery Shoes For Golfers

Recovery Shoes

Hailed as the ‘Miracle Shoe’ by many plantar fasciitis sufferers; the AWP recovery shoe is highly effective in aiding sports and injury recovery. This makes them perfect recovery shoes for golfers. 


AWP recovery shoes give your body the best possible protection by providing the key benefits of postural support, effective shock absorption to the heel and excellent cushioning across the sole. The textured footbed also stimulates circulation. Perfect for when you are working, relaxing or recovering from sport or injury.

Emily O’ Regan, an avid runner from Tipperary in Ireland said, “I love these shoes to bits, I suffer badly with plantar fasciitis, and since wearing these shoes I have seen a huge improvement.”

“So much so that I didn’t use them last week as I thought I was cured and am suffering again. This week, these are lifesavers for my feet! I would highly recommend them to runners and anyone standing for long periods they are literally like cushions on my feet, so comfy.”

Emily went on to say “I have been running 3 years, I am not a speedy runner it’s more for enjoyment and fitness. I began with just running the roads and joined the local meet and train where I began doing 5ks.

“After that, I then moved up to 10ks I was doing cross-fit as well but got injured so I took to the roads full time and upped the mileage. I managed to do a half marathon and loved it so much that I did 3 in 3 months with ill-fitting shoes so this brought on plantar fasciitis.”

“So, I had to have physio and new shoes fitted with heel inserts 2014 was a huge year with tons of races, and tons of bling but more heel pain which in turn turned out to be a stress fracture. At that point, your shoes happened to cross my path on Facebook I won your competition not long after my X-ray and these have so helped my recovery after 6 weeks I was given the all-clear and I’m back doing 10k races – Massive thank you!”


Recovery Shoes for Golfers


Plantar Fasciitis can occur if you are on your feet for a lot of the time, as such, it is very common among golfers. Plantar fasciitis can also occur if you do lots of walking, running, and standing, especially if you are not used to it. It is a common complaint with 1 in 10 people suffering from it at some point in their lives.

Usually, the pain will ease in time. ‘Fascia’ tissue, like ‘ligament’ tissue, heals quite slowly. It may take several months or more to go. To ease the pain and reduce the risk of recurrence; footwear with cushioned heels and good arch support is recommended.

‘AWP’ recovery shoes for golfers have a shock-absorbing heel and arch support built-in – making them an excellent solution without the need for inserts.


In addition to the treatment and relief of plantar fasciitis, our customers advise us that AWP recovery shoes are also effective in reducing the symptoms of a variety of other common aches and pains.

The AWP recovery shoe for golfers is available on the Golf Ease website – click here to view


Before making a choice, would you like to learn more? Check out these helpful blog articles:


What are the best shoes for Plantar Fasciitis? Read our “The best shoes for Plantar Fasciitis” Blog to find out more

What anti-fatigue solutions are available? Read our “What Problems Do Workers Face When They Stand All Day?”  blog to find out more.


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